How to solve LeetCode problem #13: Roman to Integer
Javascript – LeetCode problem #13 Roman to Integer
In this problem, we need to create a method for converting Roman numerals into Integers (i.e. MMXXIV => 2024; III => 3; IX => 9; …). Read the full problem here.
Pattern – Deconstruct the Roman numeral
The key to solving this problem is understanding the construction pattern of Roman numerals:
- They are read as a sum of their parts and are generally written largest to smallest (thousands, hundreds, tens, singles)
- => in simple cases, you could just add each Roman digit together
- 2023 = MMXXIII = 1000+1000+10+10+1+1+1
- => in simple cases, you could just add each Roman digit together
- however, there is an exception where a number in a threshold position is represented by subtraction:
- I = 1; II =2; III =3; IV=4; V=5
- V=5; VI = 6; VII=7; VIII =8; IX =9; X =10
- X=10; XX=20; XXX =30; XL =40; L = 50
- 2024 = MMXXIV = 1000+1000+10+10+(5-1)
In summary, we need to look at each letter of the Roman numeral and compare it to the following letter to determine if addition or subtraction applies.
Solution – Roman to Integer
For my solution, I first setup a map that maps each Roman numeral letter to its integer value. We will reference this later.
const romanMap = new Map([
Next, we need a way to look at each letter of the Roman numeral input and its following letter to determine whether addition or subtraction should apply. I set up two pointers (p1,p2) and started a while loop. For each letter (s[p1]) and its next letter (s[p2]), we can get their integer value (val1,val2) from the map to compare them.
Here’s how I am evaluating them:
- val1 > val 2 | e.g. 1000>100 OR val1==val2| eg. 100==100
- this means we are moving through the construction pattern in the expected way (from largest to smallest). The subtraction rule does not apply here => add val1 to the result, move pointers 1 ahead
- val2==undefined
- this happens if p1 reaches the last letter of the Roman numeral, since there is no comparison to do => add val1 to the result, move pointers 1 ahead (in this case that will break the loop)
- else (val1 < val2) | e.g. 1<10
- this means we have found a threshold value that needs to be constructed via subtraction => add (val2-val1) to the result, move the pointers 2 ahead
Example: MMXXIV (2024)
result = 0
M==M || result + M (1000) = 1000
M > X || result + M (1000) = 2000
X==X || result + X (10) = 2010
X > I || result + X (10) = 2020
I < V || result + V-I (5-1) = 2024
Here’s the full code:
const romanMap = new Map([ ['I',1], ['V',5], ['X',10], ['L',50], ['C',100], ['D',500], ['M',1000] ]); var romanToInt = function(s) { let p1 = 0; let p2 = 1; let result = 0; while(p2 <= s.length){ let val1 = romanMap.get(s[p1]); let val2 = romanMap.get(s[p2]); if(val2 == undefined || val1 > val2 || val1 == val2 ){ result += val1; p1++ p2++ } else{ result += val2 - val1; p1 = p2 +1; p2 = p2 +2; } } return result; };
This is how I solved LeetCode problem #13 Roman to Integer in Javascript. See other LeetCode solutions