How to Copy to Clipboard in Lightning web component

Do you want to give users the ability to copy text to the clipboard from a Lightning web component? Here’s how you can do that.

In this simple example, the Lightning web component contains both a link & lightning button icon that will copy text when clicked. Here, I’ve put the text I want to copy in the name attribute of the “a” and “lightning-button-icon” tags. This could also be a variable.

    <!-- Simple Link -->
    <a onclick="handleCopyText" name="Text to Copy">Copy to Clipboard</a>
    <!--Lightning icon button-->
    <lightning-button-icon icon-name="utility:copy_to_clipboard"  variant="border-filled" alternative-text="Copy To Clipboard" onclick={handleCopyText} name="Text to Copy"></lightning-button-icon>

The handleCopyText method kicks off the action. First, extract the text you want to copy from the event. The steps to copy the text to clipboard are based on a solution I found here (this is using an aura component). In order to copy text, you create a hidden text element in the DOM, select & copy it, then remove it from the DOM again. I decided to make my text element a “textarea” tag because it respects line breaks, which was a requirement for my use case.

Lastly, the Lightning web component Javascript method shows a success message in a toast component. The toast disappears after 3 seconds or when dismissed.

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';

export default class MyCopyComponent extends LightningElement{
    @api recordId;

        // get the text to copy
        let textToCopy =;
        // create hidden input variable
        let hiddenInput = document.createElement("textarea"); 
        hiddenInput.innerHTML = textToCopy;
        //execute copy command;
        // discard hidden input
        // show a success toast
            new ShowToastEvent({
                title: 'Copied Text',
                message: '',
                variant: 'success'

Other than creating a “textarea” tag and using innerHTML to populate the text to copy, there are other ways to achieve it like

let hiddenInput = document.createElement("input");
hiddenInput.setAttribute("value", text);

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